political prisoner
Political prisoner on hunger strike for 6 days
Uladzimir Matskevich, a philosopher, methodologist, and well-known public figure, went on a hunger strike on 3 February. If his demands are not met, he will refuse water and go on…
Businessman Aliaksandr Vasilevich released
Political prisoner Aliaksandr Vasilevich was released in the courtroom after more than 17 months of imprisonment. He participated in the meeting of political prisoners with Alexander Lukashenko in October 2020.
Maria Kalesnikava transferred to penal colony
Prominent Belarusian opposition activist Maria Kalesnikava has been transferred to a women's penal colony near Homel. She was sentenced to 11 years in prison on unsubstantiated charges in September 2021.
Political prisoner Dzmitry Dudoits committed suicide
Political prisoner Dzmitry Dudoits committed suicide in Mahiliou. He was sentenced to two years of open prison.
Draconian sentences in “anarchists’ case”
Activists of the Belarusian anarchist movement Ihar Alinevich, Siarhei Ramanau, Dzmitry Dubouski, and Dzmitry Rezanovich were sentenced to exceptionally long jail terms ranging from 18 to 20 years in medium-…
Raman Pratasevich’s girlfriend files petition for pardon
Russian national Sofia Sapega, who had been detained along with her boyfriend, journalist Raman Pratasevich after the forced landing of a Ryanair plane in Minsk, submitted a petition for a…
Harsh sentences of up to 18 years behind bars in “Tsikhanouski case”
Siarhei Tsikhanouski was sentenced to 18 years in prison. EU and US politicians have strongly condemned the politically motivated prison sentences.
Talented student sentenced to 5 years in prison
Artsiom Bayarski, a 20-year-old political prisoner from Hrodna, was sentenced to five years behind bars on charges of leading an "extremist group".
Maria Kalesnikava gives interview from behind bars
The opposition politician Maria Kalesnikava was able to respond in writing to the questions of a DW journalist, sharing her vision of the situation in Belarus.