Political prisoner Kseniya Lutskina receives no medical care in prison

The father of journalist Kseniya Lutskina, who had been sentenced to eight years of imprisonment, told the Narodnaya Volya newspaper that her health had deteriorated significantly: her asthma had flared up, and her brain tumor was growing.
Kseniya had two brain tumors removed in 2014. Aleh Lutskin speaks about his daughter’s current health condition:
She is in bad health. The disease shows no signs of abating, and she experiences constant headaches and tremors in her hands and legs. Kseniya was promised an additional medical exam, but these promises remained unfulfilled.
Journalist Kseniya Lutskina was detained in December 2020. She used to work for the state-run Belteleradiocompany but resigned on the wave of protests. Kseniya joined the Coordination Council, and this served as a basis for her detention. In September 2021, Kseniya Lutskina was sentenced to eight years in a penal colony. Her underage son is waiting for her at home.