From dictatorship to democracy: What is the strategy of transition to New Belarus?

Only through the fall of the regime can Belarusians hope to establish a truly free and democratic state. To ensure this opportunity is not missed and to prevent legal chaos and reprisals from the dictatorship’s allies, the democratic forces of Belarus have formulated a strategic plan for transitioning to a New Belarus. to which everyone can contribute, reports Malanka Media.
The primary objective of the transition strategy to New Belarus is to facilitate the transfer of power and the establishment of a democratic system that prevents the emergence of a new dictatorship. This strategy entails a well-defined plan aimed at transitioning from an authoritarian to a democratic form of governance. The strategy starts with the initiation of the power transition process within the country and is designed to span a duration of six years. Over this period, the strategy includes the organization of two sets of fair parliamentary and presidential elections in Belarus.
Transition period. What tasks should be completed?
The first step of the transit period should last no more than 180 days. During this time, the first truly democratic elections are held, marking the transition from the old leaders to the new ones. Transit period objectives:
- to form a Transition Government;
- to ensure stable public administration in all sectors of the country’s life, including the public service delivery, the security and the protection of sovereignty;
- to eliminate constitutional ambiguity;
- to create conditions for genuinely democratic elections;
- to hold snap, fair and free elections as soon as possible.
Why is a strategy needed now?
Nobody knows how or when changes will occur, but it is important to be prepared for it. The strategy takes into account different scenarios of the power transit: from the negotiation process to changes under the public pressure or external factors. Specific actions will depend on the situation, but some draft laws and reforms should be in place by the time the transit of power begins.
What is included in the strategy of transition to the New Belarus?
The strategy for transitioning to the New Belarus encompasses conducting democratic elections, reinstating constitutional order and legality, upholding international obligations, fostering economic stability and development, revitalizing civil society and promoting national revival.
As the transition period from authoritarianism to democracy begins, the preparation for fair and free elections and the drafting of a new democratic Constitution will be closely linked to each other to overcome the political crisis.
The first democratic elections of the president, the parliament and the representative bodies of local self-government will be held as early as possible, without waiting for the deadlines of the next elections.
During the transition period, continuity in the provision of public services to the population and stability of public administration should be ensured.
First of all, in order to restore legality and justice, all political prisoners will be released – their criminal and administrative liability will be abolished. Also, politically motivated dismissal decisions and other decisions restricting citizens’ rights will be canceled. In addition, significant reforms are planned.
In foreign policy, the main goal of activities during the transition period will be bringing the legislation and foreign policy of Belarus in line with universally recognized principles and norms of an international law, attracting international assistance to stabilize the situation in the country, ensuring the security and independence of the country.
The key goal of economic policy during the period of the power transit is to ensure (restore) macroeconomic stability, which implies the absence of a decline in income and GDP, full employment, as well as persistently low inflation.
During the transition period, conditions for free expression of opinions, free activity of civil society organizations and political pluralism should be ensured.
The national identity is a prerequisite for the country’s independence. First and foremost, it is a civic nation, when citizens feel united in their desire to preserve their country’s independence.
The reforms needed to be carried out during the transition period will be successful and sustainable only if there is broad public support.
Low inflation and no drop in income. How to keep the economy going?
It is planned to work on strengthening and developing the economic potential of the country. The following measures are proposed for this purpose:
- ensuring sanctions against Belarus are lifted as quickly as possible;
- creation of conditions for the private business development;
- capital amnesty and tax amnesty;
- strengthening social support and ensuring its targeting;
- stabilization of state-owned enterprises and preparation for public sector reform;
- elimination of threats to the debt sustainability of state-owned enterprises, partial restructuring of bad debts;
- normalization of monetary and fiscal policy;
- establishing economic cooperation with foreign countries and international organizations;
- ensuring energy security of the country;
- increasing the role of civil society, mass media, Belarusan Diaspora in the economic life of the country, formation and strengthening of economic trust.
Priority actions in foreign policy
To ensure the security and independence of the country, several priority actions in foreign policy are planned:
- aligning national legislation with international obligations;
- evaluating international treaties to determine whether they limit sovereignty and are consistent with national interests;
- withdrawal of Russian troops from the territory of Belarus;
- initiation of the withdrawal from the Union State of Russia and Belarus;
- accedence to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms;
- Belarus’ accedence to the Council of Europe;
- initiating the signing of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with the EU, and subsequently the Association Agreement with the EU.
You can read the full document here, and you can take part in the discussion of the strategy here.